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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.1] A Study on Distributed Cooperation Probe Detection Model Based on FCM
논문투고자 Se Yul Lee
논문내용 Today, intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) are operated to detect and respond to network or host-based intrusion and hacking attacks. However, IDS and IPS used by small venture companies and organizations are insufficient to handle large amounts of traffic, and various types of hacking attacks. Group Companies or public institutions and organizations with network and server system are applying IDS and IPS with the Common Criteria (CC) certification. They are frequent threats of hacking, which can not respond to hacking attacks combined with ‘ransom-DDoS (ransomware-distributed denial of service)’, Maximum traffic, and advanced persistent threat (APT) targeted at specific times and information leakage. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new technology of IDS that can find pattern of intrusion. In this paper, we propose a cooperative system (HPDA, FCM-OW, FCM-Self, and FCM-DC) that can help each other in a distributed information to the security system. The model detects and responds to each other individually. In addition, the proposed model distributed roles between each security system node and distributed the increased load and shares information about blacklists, and contributed to improving efficiency in network security policies. The “IDS Evaluation Data Set’ made by MIT was used for the performance evaluation.
   16-1-21.pdf (1.2M) [17] DATE : 2021-03-02 20:11:42