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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.1] Difference in Social and Academic Adjustment by Type of University and Major Choice Conviction of Local Engineering College΄ Freshman: Based on A University
논문투고자 Young-Ki Kim
논문내용 This study is aimed at analyzing the difference in social adjustment and academic adjustment among local engineering college΄ freshman by type of university and major choice conviction. To achieve this, I am studied 322 freshman in engineering college of A university on 2020, conducted cluster analysis, cross analysis, MANOVA included covariance. The results demonstrated follows. First, it has shown that level of university and major choice conviction divided into four types as empty, university biased, major biased, fully type. Second, it has shown that male students have a lot of university biased type, and woman students have a lot of major biased type. Also, it has shown that there is a difference in type of university and major choice conviction by major. Third, it has shown that social and academic adjustment of university biased type or major biased type high than empty type, social and academic adjustment of fully type is the highest of the other types. Based on the results of the study, the following suggestions were made follows. The ruling authorities of local engineering college must develop admissions process and standards for selecting students who has high level of university and major choice conviction. Also, they must classify types of university and major choice conviction of freshman, and must provide customized support activities by type.
   16-1-16.pdf (462.8K) [8] DATE : 2021-03-02 13:17:01