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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.1] Analyzing of the Types of College Students' Perception on Quality English Class
논문투고자 Maryam Paknahad Jabarooty, Jaemu Lee
논문내용 This research is to clarify how college students think about quality English classes. We classified college students’ perceptions of a quality English class and analyzed the characteristics of each type. The research applied the Q-methodology to extract the subjective thoughts of college students. After extracting the statements through an advanced study, the 44 Q samples were selected. The P samples consisted of 38 general college students and 40 teachers college students who performed Q sort in a 44 Q sample questionnaire. The Q sort results were analyzed by performing the QUANL 1.2 program. Consequently, five types of perceptions on quality English classes were extracted based on students’ thoughts. These types were divided into five categories: <Type 1> Classes that improve expression through repetitive practice, <Type 2> Classes that improve English proficiency by piquing students' interests, <Type 3> Classes that evaluate learners' progress, <Type 4> Classes that improve students’ skills efficiently, and <Type 5> Classes where all learners achieve expected learning objectives. In addition, there was a significant difference in the types of students in general and teachers colleges according to the background knowledge of pedagogy. Besides, the difference in perception between male and female students appeared slightly different according to the type.
   16-1-14.pdf (675.7K) [6] DATE : 2021-03-02 13:15:51