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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.1] Design and Implementation of Unstructured Data Management System for Personal Medical Information
논문투고자 Dong-Won Lee, Sang-Joon Lee
논문내용 Medical data is in the spotlight with the greatest potential value, and it is becoming an era of medical big data due to the use of information systems. Most medical data are unstructured and contain personal medical information. Due to the frequent leakage of personal medical information and lack of clear procedures and guidelines for managing unstructured data, it is time for practical research that can be applied to personal information processing systems. In this paper, a study was conducted on the management of unstructured data for personal information processing systems. In order to classify unstructured data, irregularly managed data were grouped by attributes and stored in each folder, and a file list classification system was designed based on conditions such as personal information, scan quality, and applicability of unidentifiable processing technology for files containing stored personal medical information in each folder. A survey was conducted for the operation of the designed file list classification system, and unstructured data was classified based on these results. By applying a dual access authority method that combines dual encryption (de-identification processing solution, file encryption solution) and access authority and cryptographic authority method, the personal information processing system was implemented so that personal medical information can be utilized and operated.
   16-1-13.pdf (1.6M) [11] DATE : 2021-03-02 13:15:03