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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.1] The Effect of Software Education using Pair Programming on Learning Motivation and Academic Achievement of Preliminary Elementary Teacher Focusing Hands-on Robot
논문투고자 Gwon-Woo Yang
논문내용 As the social structure has been changing from industrial society to informational one, the future society is expected to become software oriented society driven by software. Each nation in the world became interested in software education. Owing to this change, software education is organized in elementary curriculum by 2015 revised curriculum. So elementary school became interested in software education and added them to school curriculum as a new subject. A programming language is very important subject in computer science. However, the studies about ways of teaching and learning to educate programming language effectively are insufficient and preliminary elementary teachers have no interest in teaching programming language. New pedagogical methods to help students to learn programming language are needed. So in this study, we suggested the way of teaching and learning which can educate software education through pair programming using hands-on robot. And this study analyzed statistically the learning motivation and study academic achievements of software education between a treatment group used the way suggested by this study and a control group used a traditional teaching way. As a result, the way suggested by this study was more meaningful in terms of the learning motivation and study achievements of software education than a traditional one.
   16-1-12.pdf (1.8M) [8] DATE : 2021-03-02 13:14:34