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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.6] Differences in Orofacial Muscles According to Sex·Age·Length of Tongue by Korean Healthy Adult : Pilot Standardization Study of Orofacial Muscles
논문투고자 Young-Sik Won, Yu-Rim Kwak, Do-Hee Kim·Eun-Young Cha, Jong-Hoon-Moon
논문내용 The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in the orofacial muscles according to the sex, the age, and the length of the tongue in Korean healthy adults. The present study was enrolled in Three hundred healthy adults in Korea. All subjects measured the length of the tongue first, and then measured the strength, the endurance, the accuracy and the timing of the orofacial muscles using the Tongue Pressure Strength-100 (TPS-100). In order to select the subjects, a Korean version of mini mental state examination was performed to check the cognitive function and to measure the strength, the endurance, the accuracy, and the timing of the orofacial muscles. The result showed that there was no significant difference of gender except for anterior tongue elevation and cheek compression (p>.05), and there was a high negative correlation between the orofacial muscles and the age (p<.01). And there was a significant negative correlation between the tongue length and the tongue strength, the endurance, the accuracy, and the timing (p<.01). The current study provides to the literature on normal orofacial muscles strength, the endurance, the accuracy, the timing and indicates that the improvement on swallowing ability in persons with dysphagia by comparing patients with criteria.
   15-6-13.pdf (1.4M) [8] DATE : 2021-01-01 18:11:58