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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.6] A Study on Big Data-based GraphX Model for Social Network Service
논문투고자 Leesang Cho, Jinhong Kim
논문내용 Nowaday, towards adopting big data processing system has increased and it is commonly seen in every aspect of life. For this, the problem of finding connected components in undirected graphs has been well studied, and it is an essential pre-processing step to many graph computations, and a fundamental task in graph analytics applications. Recently, it has been a main area of interest in the large graph processing. However, much of the research has focused on solving the problem using High Performance Computers. In large distributed systems, the MapReduce framework dominates the processing of big data, and has been used for finding connected components in big graphs although iterative processing is not directly supported in MapReduce. Current big data processing systems have developed into supporting iterative processing and providing additional features other than MapReduce. This research investigates how to enhance the performance of finding connected components algorithm for large graph in distributed processing system. It uses the approach to considering the graph degree property in choosing the component identifier, reviewing how this can affect the efficiency of the algorithm. In the design of our proposed algorithm features provided by current new processing systems such as moving the computation more toward the data partition in Spark framework model are integrated.
   15-6-04.pdf (731.6K) [16] DATE : 2021-01-01 18:01:12