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발간년도 : [2022]

논문명(한글) [Vol.17, No.1] A Study on Determinants of ‘Money-scold/DonJJul’ Buycott and Boycott Consumption Behavior
논문투고자 Hyung-Suk Kim
논문내용 This study was conducted from a convergent perspective between Public Relations and the latest consumption trends in Korea. This study examines the determinants influencing the 'meaning-out' consumption behavior related to "money-scold/DonJJul" which has recently become a major social topic and controversy. To this end, in this study, a social big data analysis was conducted on the 'money-scold' keyword, and a web survey using Google drive was conducted for univerisity students. As a result of the hierarchical regression analysis, It was founded that the determinants influencing the 'Money-scold' purchase consumption behavior were 'meaning-out' consumption behavior efficiency, belief consumption tendency, and altruism. In addition, the determinants influencing the 'Boycott' consumption behavior is only 'meaning-out' consumption behavior efficiency. It was found that the 'altruism' factor of the ‘inclusiveness’ variable had a significant effect on the 'buycott' purchase consumption behavior, while it did not have a significant effect on the 'boycott' consumption behavior. On the other hand, it is also founded that the ‘understanding and forgiveness’ factor of the in the ‘inclusiveness’ variable had a significant effect on “boycott’ consumption behavior in a limited way, while it did not have a significant effect on the 'buycott' purchase consumption behavior.
   17-1-05.pdf (594.5K) [9] DATE : 2022-03-03 10:16:54