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발간년도 : [2022]

논문명(한글) [Vol.17, No.1] STRIPE’s Marketing Strategy
논문투고자 Young-Hun Song, Kwang-Hyun Kim
논문내용 This study briefly analyzes the domestic and foreign markets of fintech industries that are emerging in the 4th industrial era and compares marketing strategies of Stripe, a representative company of U.S. simple payment services, with PayPal. Global FinTech investment is showing remarkable growth every year. In particular, with the introduction of the fintech industry into the existing financial industry, which was conservative, various non-face-to-face services have been provided, and China is showing strength. Typical types of FinTech industries include Crowd Funding, Peer-to-peer Lending, and Simple Payment Service. In this study, we focused on simple payment services. The first differentiated strategy of Stripe, a flagship company, is the value differentiation strategy. Unlike PayPal's service, which was available through nine previous processes, Stripe made it possible to use the service with only three steps of "Membership-Code Copy-Paste". The second is a clear target customer setting. Stripe made it convenient for individual businessmen to move data while setting them as target customers. The last is a variety of additional services. Stripe is trying not only to provide payment services, but also a variety of financial and business services, but also to avoid the need for any other services by using Stripe's one service. Stripe, which has been on the fast track of Pintech's growth, is expected to continue. Based on this, this paper proposes to reconsider the need for "substantive, discriminative, and continuous value" in order for various startup companies, including the fintech industry, to grow in modern society. It is also expected that companies in the future will not just need one solution, but a macro solution that integrates various inconveniences into one.
   17-1-04.pdf (859.1K) [11] DATE : 2022-03-03 10:16:05