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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] Development of an Untact Omok Game Platform Based on Tele-present Robotic Arms
논문투고자 Chang-Ik Choe, Kang-Hee Lee
논문내용 In a situation where non-face-to-face activities are increasing due to the corona virus, the IT and game industries are booming. Korean game culture is changing into a field with new experience with the form of watching and experiencing, not just playing games due to the new platform of mobile. Telepresence technology is a technology that remotely call people who are far away and makes them seem to be in the same space. Research on technology is becoming more active by combining telepresence in various fields. In particular, telepresence technology is very important for remote-reality beyond limited time and space. To solve this problem, this paper uses Dobot Arm famous for robotic arms. Omok Game, a famous game in Korea, has been implemented online in many cases, but there is no case of applying telepresence technology. This paper aims to build a system that transcends physical boundaries and increases the immersion of the Omok game by applying the telepresence technology to the Omokugame. In addition, robot concave platforms that combine machine learning and hardware were designed, and users had to play with robot arms because they were located offline. This problem is to be solved by using telepresence. The system is divided into games between online users and artificial intelligence programs, and games between online users.
   16-6-30.pdf (1.8M) [41] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:37:29