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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] Comparison of Life and Perceptions of College Students about COVID-19
논문투고자 Seo-Jin Hong, Young-Bin Yu
논문내용 This paper puts an in-depth study on the college life and COVID-19 risk perception among college students majoring in health science and those who are majoring in other departments under the COVID-19 pandemic and aims to provide fundamental data for research to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For this purpose, 151 two-year college students, 687 four-year university students, and a total of 838 students were surveyed. The result revealed that students got the most information about COVID-19 from internet articles (37.5%), and the most people who were diagnosed with COVID-19were friends (15.7%), but interpersonal relationships did not change (66.0%), and the household income of students remains unchanged (56.2%). Moreover, 25.4% of college students said COVID-19 would be over in one to two years. The eight questionnaires related to the COVID-19 risk perception were processed with factor analysis, and three factors, social stigma, risk overlooking, and risk perception, were analyzed with a ANOVA which revealed that female students majoring in health science from two-year college had higher awareness of COVID-19. However, 4.2% to 17.7% of college students showed low awareness of COVID-19 in eight questionnaires related to COVID-19 awareness. Based on these results, this study suggests that colleges should plan enhanced health programs or health education programs on COVID-19 prevention to educate students about precaution measures like social distancing and avoidance of densely populated areas, which are challenging for students to practice.
   16-6-29.pdf (561.1K) [30] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:37:00