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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] Development of Inertial Measurement Unit System-based Software for Maintaining Chin-tuck Posture
논문투고자 Dong-Hwan Oh, Han-Sol Park, Wan-Young Choi, Myung-Won Park, Ho-Jeong Kim
논문내용 Dysphagia is the state of having difficulty ingesting food due to damage to the swallowing function or a problem during normal swallowing associated with various congenital or acquired diseases. Chin tuck, also known as a compensatory technique, is among the most widely used clinical interventions for swallowing disorders to improve swallowing efficiency and prevent aspiration. Previous research has found that a chin tuck is difficult to apply to individuals requiring conscious efforts owing to postural instability, cognitive impairment, and reduced self-awareness. This study aims to develop a chin tuck assist system (CAS) for patients with swallowing disorders using an inertial measurement unit (IMU). To aid the proper performance of a chin tuck, we have developed a CAS that measures the data values in real time using software and provides auditory and visual feedback. This system is convenient to carry and use independently without spatial restrictions. The IMU transmitter is fixed to the forehead of a participant with an elastic band for measurement. Acoustic feedback continues outside the range set by the user, which indicates an incorrect posture for a chin tuck; however, no sound alarm is issued for the correct posture for a chin tuck. Visual feedback shows the movement of a participant as a 3D object in real time. The CAS developed in this study is expected to improve the quality of life of patients by helping them with safe swallowing, in preventing aspiration, and in developing a personalized rehabilitation program for the intervention of dysphagia.
   16-6-28.pdf (834.9K) [30] DATE : 2022-01-03 15:22:00