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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] A Study on the 3D Damage Detection System of Underground Facilities Including Buried Depth
논문투고자 Byoung-Chan Jeon, Byoung-Mo Kang, In-Sik Hong
논문내용 Numerous facilities are buried underground. There has been a growing interest in the monitoring of underground facilities over the past few decades. Currently, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies have large ripple effects on the development of IT technologies. In addition, realistic media technologies such as AR and VR technologies are being developed in the facility monitoring system buried underground with the development of smart devices. Currently, the damage detection system of facilities buried underground has a monitoring system using various IT technologies. However, some of these systems are not yet verified for performance or expensive. Various facilities buried underground are experiencing problems of leakage or damage due to reasons such as ground removal and excavation work. Among the damage of these underground facilities, in particular, when a water or sewer leakage accident occurs, not only the location of the leak but also the exact location of the damage cannot be known, so the incidence of secondary accidents is also increasing. In addition, when excavating for maintenance, it is difficult to determine the exact burial depth or location, so damage to other adjacent facilities may occur. In this paper, a 3D damage detection system using the burial depth of a facility for efficient monitoring of various facilities buried underground on an AR monitoring system using a smart device was proposed, and the system was tested through simulation.
   16-6-26.pdf (2.3M) [17] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:35:28