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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] Development of Smart Agricultural ICT Convergence Technology
논문투고자 Seung-Jae Kim, Hyun Yoe
논문내용 Currently, smart farm technology is collecting and analyzing crop growth information in real time for the development of first-generation smart farms to second-generation smart farms to increase productivity. However, due to the lack of governance systems such as exchange and communication between stakeholders, problems such as overlapping data and disconnection of information connection arise. To solve this problem, in this paper, the crops to be studied were selected as melons, and melon growth data was collected and analyzed using growth measurement sensors and data collection devices. The target crop was selected as melon, and a data collection device was installed at a farm to store the collected growth data in Xampp's php-based web server DB, and for data visualization, the analyzed graph can be inquired through the application. Through research, the performance of this system was verified by comparing the zones with the largest and smallest average growth rates, and it is expected that research institutes and companies will be able to provide high-quality and processed data for crop growth research and data analysis. In addition, the study plans to develop into a system that provides decision-making services for melon crop cultivation by predicting the yield and growth rate of each melon crop in combination with neural network technology.
   16-6-25.pdf (1.9M) [24] DATE : 2022-01-03 15:22:43