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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] A Study on the Concept Mapping of Quality Computer Classes Recognized by Teachers’ College Students
논문투고자 Kyuha Choi, Jaemu Lee
논문내용 This study explores the perception of quality computer classes in which pre-service teachers think of using a concept mapping. The research was conducted according to the concept mapping process of Mary Kane and William M. K. Trochim. For similarity matrix, 11 students of computer education courses were required to calculate similarity data evaluation for 50 statements. As for the group similarity matrix, the similarity matrixes which participants prepared individually were integrated. To create concept maps, multidimensional scale analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were performed using SPSS 24.0 for group similarity matrix. As a result of multidimensional scale analysis, two dimensions were found as ‘instructor competency-learner change' and ‘learning content-learning process'. In addition, reading the dendrogram, it was divided into three upper and seven lower categories. The upper categories were named as ‘learning goals', ‘instructional methods', and ‘learner-centered'. The upper category of ‘learning goals' included three subcategories: ‘class for affective change', 'class for cognitive achievement', and ‘faithful class to the basic content'. The upper category of ‘instructional methods' included subcategories of ‘classes with appropriate instructional strategies' and ‘learner-focused classes‘. In addition, the upper category ‘learner-centered' included the lower categories of ‘learner participation-centered classes' and ‘classes with proper learning environments'. Among the statements, 'In a quality computer class, it is more important for learners to practice by themselves.' was considered the most important statement.
   16-6-24.pdf (806.7K) [12] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:34:18