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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] A Study of the Effectiveness on 360-degree VR Content’s Gaze Inducing Production- Focusing on Information Memory and Spatial Memory
논문투고자 Joung-Huem Kwon, Ho Lee
논문내용 The 360 VR video provides viewers with a different experience from the environment in which they enjoy a video composed within a conventional rectangular frame. In addition to providing an environment in which the user can be set as the center of the story scene, subjective intervention of the viewer is possible, so it is necessary to make an effort to induce the viewer's gaze through the story movement of the director. This paper explores the effect of a directing technique for inducing viewers' gaze on information transmission in 360 VR images. According to previous studies, they have been conducted from two main perspectives. One is about research on the directing and video shooting techniques of story development from a free point of view, and directing techniques to minimize cyber motion sickness and sustain immersion that VR platforms inevitably have. Most cases introduced various directing techniques, but research on the effect of these directing techniques on users is still insufficient. For this study, VR campus tour contents based on 360 VR images were produced, and the directing techniques suggested in existing cases were applied to induce viewers' attention. To find out the effectiveness, we recruited a total of 60 subjects, the difference between the groups was compared by measuring the viewer's immersion, information memory, and spatial memory according to the presence or absence of a gaze directing technique in 360 VR images.
   16-6-23.pdf (1.3M) [9] DATE : 2022-01-03 15:23:20