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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] Suggest Solutions to Problems that Meet the Concepts and Characteristics of Live Commerce
논문투고자 Kwang-Hyun Kim, Yu-Sang Lee
논문내용 In this paper, the distribution market that changes according to technological development and consump tion culture was explained. Consumers prefer faster and more convenient delivery and cheaper and better items in the developing era. Companies change the distribution industry with the trend of the times to meet the needs of consumers. Advances in information and communication technology have made it pos sible to solve everything with smart phones, and accordingly, the number of smart phone users has incr eased rapidly, becoming the dominant mass media in the 21st century. High-speed inthernet networks hav e brought about the activation of video content. You can watch video contents such as YouTube and Li ve broadcasting anywhere using your smart phone. Recently, the policy of distancing due to an infectiou s disease called COVID-19 has spread the non-face-to-face consumption culture. In line with this trend of the times, the non-face-to-face mobile E-commerce distribution industry using video content is increasi ng, and E-commerce called Live Commerce is drawing new attention. Live Commerce is an E-commerce that starts in China and provides and sells information about products to consumers through Live stream ing. Recognizing the growth and value of the Chinese market, Korean companies are competing to enter the Live Commerce platform market and win the hearts of consumers. In this paper, the concept of live commerce was described in detail, and content competition among domestic Live Commerce platform co mpanies was investigated. It also suggested countermeasures against problems related to media regulation application, regulatory equity with Home shopping, and consumer protection, and presented prospects for the domestic Live Commerce market compared to the growth of the Chinese Live Commerce market.
   16-6-21.pdf (665.6K) [21] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:32:15