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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] Approach to Big Data-based Reference Architecture for Specific Use Cases
논문투고자 Chulbum Ahn, Jinhong Kim
논문내용 Recently, according to increase big data utilization, it keeps going on a various research their area. In spite of big data and the corresponding technologies being already widespread, many big data projects do fail or do not deliver the promised results. Hence, we proposed the specific case in the insurance sector and our approach is about to one reason with respective projects. But, it does not take into account or analyze the business value of a specific big data use case, and this uses a different approach by analyzing the business aspects of use cases in the insurance sector. A number of possible use cases in insurance is derived from a literature study. Then these use cases are evaluated in expert interviews in order to find out, which ones do have the highest potential. Eventually, based on these requirements and a comparison of existing Reference Architectures for big data in common, a new reference architecture is designed for big data in insurance. Accordingly, the final goal is to use this reference architecture as a blueprint for deriving components in order to implement big data use cases in insurance. The reference architecture is proposed in a case study by designing a solution architecture for specific use cases.
   16-6-20.pdf (492.1K) [13] DATE : 2022-01-03 15:23:54