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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] A Study on Human-resource Fostering Methods in Big Data Industry: Focusing on News Network Analysis
논문투고자 Ho Lee, Juho Song
논문내용 The Fourth Industrial Revolution has made data and knowledge more important than the major factors of production of the past, such as labor and capital. However, although the demand for data job manpower in all domestic industries is rapidly increasing, it is expected that the manpower supply will be insufficient. Therefore, this study intends to explore the phenomena of industry and manpower in the field of big data, which became the most basic in the intelligent information society, by collecting and analyzing media big data, and to suggest the directions for solving the industry's human resource paradox. As a research method, we used quantitative text network analysis and qualitative analysis from industry experts to interpret the results. A total of 36,693 news data mentioning 'big data' were extracted, and data preprocessing for the synonyms and negative words were performed. The constructed text network is non-directional and consists of 310,028 words (nodes) and 3,055,375 word combinations (edges). Among the 11 clusters, additional content analysis was conducted for the top 4 clusters that accounted for more than 10% of the network proportion. As a result of analyzing, it was revealed whether the government's efforts to revitalize big data analysis are continuing, and there is still a lack in data utilization and human resource training in other fields except finical industry. It is expected that job training for big data analysis centered on middle-aged people with domain knowledge in appropriate field will lead directly to fostering convergent talents and solving job problems.
   16-6-16.pdf (1.1M) [9] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:28:26