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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] The Impact of Participating Experience and Satisfaction in PBL and Flipped Learning on University and Major Pride of Freshman in Science and Engineering
논문투고자 Young-Ju Hur
논문내용 This study analyzed the effects of PBL and flipped learning courses and subject satisfaction on the pride of university and major of science and engineering freshmen. For the study, data of freshmen admitted to science and engineering at a four-year university among the 2019 data of the Korea Educational Employment Panel II were used, and ANCOVA and multiple regression analysis were performed. The research results are as follows. First, it was found that the major pride of new students in the science and engineering department was higher than that of the university pride. Also, it was found that the pride of students who took PBL courses was significantly lower than that of students who did not take PBL courses. Although there was no significant difference in the university pride of students who took the flipped learning course from those who did not, it was found that the major pride was significantly higher. Second, it was found that the subject satisfaction, university pride, and major pride of students taking flipped learning were higher than students taking PBL courses. In addition, it was found that both PBL subject satisfaction and flipped learning subject satisfaction had a positive effect on university pride and major pride. Based on the research results, the following recommendations were made. First, it is desirable to use flipped learning rather than PBL to improve major pride. Second, in order to improve pride of university and major, the quality of subjects using PBL and flipped learning should be improved. Therefore, it is necessary to devise a systematic PBL and flipped learning-based educational program for professors.
   16-6-15.pdf (558.7K) [10] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:27:52