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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] A Study on the System Safety Process of the Airworthiness Certification
논문투고자 Ki-Hyoung Bae, Gwang-Suk Lee, Joon-Hyung Choi
논문내용 In that the operating environment of the aircraft is in the air, aircraft failure can cause enormous human and material damage and requires a very high level of safety compared to other means of transportation or systems. In order to operate an aircraft, it must obtain the airworthiness certification specified in the law, and through this, the flight safety of the aircraft must be approved. In this paper, system safety was studied based on military aircraft airworthiness certification. Military aircraft airworthiness certification, system safety, and system safety procedures were summarized, and various civil and military system safety standards and guidelines were examined. As standards and guidelines related to system safety procedures, we looked at MIL-STD-882E, SAE ARP4754A, SAE ARP4761, 14CFR, and DoDI 5000.02 and studied the correlation. For example, when the aircraft is partially modified, the system safety task was analyzed and examples of matters to be addressed in the system safety program plan were presented. Individual system safety tasks were analyzed based on MIL-STD-882E, a system safety standard applied to the airworthiness certification of military aircraft, and were divided into applied and non-applied items. Establishing a system safety program plan is very important at the stage where a general design of system configuration is made, and an example of the matters to be covered in the system safety program plan is presented based on MIL-STD-882E.
   16-6-01.pdf (726.1K) [14] DATE : 2022-01-03 15:27:22