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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.5] Development of the Dripping Speed Measurement App Using a Drip Chamber with Chromakey Color
논문투고자 Jin-Il Kim
논문내용 In general, Medical staff inject fluids and predict completion times based on intuition and field experience. However, it is difficult for medical staff to continuously monitor the status of the fluid. In order to solve these problems, various studies are currently being conducted to measure the falling speed of the fluid. However, the results of this study have not been used in the medical field because of the low recognition rate of fluid drop caused by various environmental factors such as brightness, lighting, and contrast. In order to improve this drawback, in this study, we develop an app that can measure the amount of dripping fluid more accurately and adjust the amount of fluid injected in various environments. To develop this app, a drip chamber with Chroma Key color is used so that the smartphone camera can easily recognize and separate the subject and the background image. In the results of the experiment, When the drop rate was measured by monitoring the entire drip chamber, the drop recognition rate was generally high. In this case, the recognition rate of the yellow drip chamber was 88.8%, the recognition rate of the green drip chamber was 93.1%, and the recognition rate of the blue drip chamber was 90.2%.
   16-5-19.pdf (1.5M) [11] DATE : 2021-11-17 15:48:37