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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.5] A Study on the Vietnam Market Entry of Second-hand Selling Application
논문투고자 Kwang-Hyun Kim, Ha-kyeong Jeong
논문내용 The second-hand market, which is becoming the new consumption trend today, has been booming over recent years both domestically and globally, as a result of the increasing change in consumer perception towards second-hand deal, and consumption patterns due to the COVID-19 pandemic and prolonged economic disruption, and also the pursuit of environmentally-friendly consumption. Considering the growth speed of domestic second-hand selling applications and its market scale based on this rising trend of second-hand selling applications with the new consumption patterns around the world, those apps are expected to have great potentials for the overseas market entry. In this context, this study focuses on digital economy, particularly electronic commerce which has been fast-growing all over the world, and to be more specific, on the foreign market entry of apps for buying and selling used items. For the target country, Vietnam was selected as it has high growth potential in electronic commerce, rapidly-expanding IT infrastructure, a high percentage of young people, and the MZ generation as the mainstream of consumption population. Therefore, this study aims to verify the possibility of second-hand selling apps’ Vietnam market entry by analyzing the scale of Vietnamese electronic commerce market and potential power of second-hand selling market in Vietnam.
   16-5-18.pdf (577.9K) [12] DATE : 2021-11-17 15:47:31