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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.5] Impact and Prospects of Market Transactions Due to the Development of Talent Market Platforms
논문투고자 Kwang-Hyun Kim, Gun-Hee Lee
논문내용 With the recent development of the fourth industrial revolution, more and more thing can be done face-to-face through e-commerce. Online marketplaces that purchase goods were mainly targeted for e-commerce, but gradually developed into a talent market platform that intermediates online tasks and lectures provided by gig worker through knowledge/talent. In this study, four types of talent market platforms were classified according to the format of service provision, and the impact and complementary points of market transactions resulting from the development of domestic market talent market platforms were presented. The service status of talent market platform currently being provided was investigated, and the characteristics, advantages, and limitations of each talent market platform were analyzed to study the platform suitable foe the situation of buyers and freelancers. The talent market platform has various advantages for market transactions such as space-time efficiency, expansion of commercial districts, and gig economy, but the structural nature of in the event of an individual trade dispute. To solve this problem, we looked into the systematic response of e-commerce law. Furthermore, as e-commerce develops, we propose that talent market platforms be secure for gig worker and buyers, including the need for privacy and copyright-related regulations regarding information leakage and the improvement of reliable gig worker screening systems.
   16-5-15.pdf (1.0M) [4] DATE : 2021-11-17 15:44:07