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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.5] The Effect of Self-reflective Course for Nursing Students to the Use of NVIVO 12.0 in Analyzing
논문투고자 Mi-Han Kim, Boas Yu
논문내용 The nursing college students studied in this research has been easily exposed to excessive stress, which can lead to a variety of problems. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of self-reflective meditation course on nursing students. The self-reflective meditation had previously demonstrated a significant effectiveness when utilized for school-based humanistic character education programs. The participants of this study were 22 senior nursing students from K city in South Korea. Two types of data was used: survey questionnaires(clinical practice stress) administered before and after the self-reflective course, and personal semi-structured journals to explore their subjective experiences. The data were analyzed using NVIVO 12.0 plus program and wilcoxon singled rank test of SPSS WIN 23.0 statistics program. The results of this study indicate that the course was effective in decreasing clinical practice stress for the nursing students. Six main themes emerged from the journals: ‘self-understanding,’ ‘understanding the other,’ ‘healing the mind,’ ‘self-confidence,’ ‘experience a new course,’ and ‘happiness and gratitude.’ self-reflective meditation course with self reflection activities was effective in stress management skill and inner growth for nursing college students. This study provided further data on effectiveness of the self-reflective course when utilized in school setting as a humanistic character education program.
   16-5-14.pdf (698.0K) [17] DATE : 2021-11-17 15:42:47