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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.5] Design and Implementation of Autonomous Driving Cars Based on Adaptive Autoware Application
논문투고자 Symphorien Karl Yoki Donzia, Il Tae Kim, Haeng-kon Kim
논문내용 Since the human drivers are sometimes tired of taking control of the vehicle at all times, we currently have an autonomous car capable of sensing its surroundings and operating without human intervention. The autonomous vehicle is a hot topic at the moment. Technology that enables access to high levels of autonomy is essential for future automotive development. With the development of the Internet and IoT, cars have become powerful mobile machines that can see, hear and predict for themselves. Vehicles become a formidable moving machine that is connected to the Internet. With the open application Autoware, We will implement an autonomous driving model applying Autoware in this study. And we will try to connect between vehicles using the Internet of Things and Big Data. The objectives of our study are to implement by extending the Autoware software stack to enable powerful GPU-based, on-board compute capabilities from a functional safety perspective. And also offers primary connectivity to provide vehicle functions to all for fully autonomous driving, where big data services are changing the way people drive. One of the goals of this paper is to convert window-based fonts to ROS-based fonts for seamless integration, and the implemented cloud platform for stand-alone cloud databases collects LiDAR sensors and images. Our study proposes a UML diagram including the design of the Model Autonomous Driving Based on Big data. The Autoware application testing is a resolution for testing embedded software Autoware ROS.
   16-5-11.pdf (1.7M) [8] DATE : 2021-11-17 15:23:53