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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.4] An Effective Methode to Improve the Recognition Performance of Automatic Recognition Systems
논문투고자 Sung-Jin Jang, Won-Hui Lee
논문내용 In the 4th industrial revolution, automatic recognition technology is being used for object identification in various industries. An object identification is a wireless identification technology. It is a technology that identifies the information embedded in the chip of the RF tag in a reader consisting of an antenna and a memory chip using radio waves. Commonly used technologies are automatic identification and recognition technologies, such as RFID, magnetic sensors, IC cards, and bar-codes. In particular, the ubiquitous tagging technology is a next-generation automatic recognition technology in which all objects can be identified with various tags. The tag storing the recognition information of the object is
recognized through the reader's query. At this time, the reader and the tag are located within the
recognition range by the electrostatic induction phenomenon. If there are a plurality of tags in this
recognition range, a collision occurs between tags within the recognition range. Ubiquitous tagging based on the 4th industrial revolution should use a simple, low-cost automatic recognition method. An automatic recognition technology that meets these needs is the frame-based slotted Aloha algorithm. The frame-based slotted Aloha algorithm has a feature that can reduce recognition performance errors for collisions between tags within the recognition range. A recognition query command is executed every one round, and a recognition query command of several rounds is executed. It identify new tags through multiple rounds.
   16-4-15.pdf (459.1K) [25] DATE : 2021-08-31 10:07:14