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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Development of xEV CAN Communication Monitoring System Using USB to CAN Converter
논문투고자 Sung-Yoon Lim, Kang-Hee Lee
논문내용 According to a recent report from Korea Power Exchange, the distribution of electric vehicles is onthe rise. These electric vehicles use the CAN protocol due to reasons such as stability. Whenimplementing a monitoring system, previous studies typically involve setting up a separate server orconnecting to a PC for using software from existing companies. In this paper, we propose amethodology for developing an xEV CAN communication monitoring system using a USB to CANconverter. This approach offers the advantages of not requiring a separate server, enabling datareception, extraction, and storage within a single MCU and application, allowing for intuitive UI designwith various graphic effects, and improving accessibility through the use of a USB to CAN converter.The hardware setup includes the microcontroller Odroid M1 8GB and the USB to CAN converter uCANv3.0. The software uses Android OS, Unity, Android USB to serial library, and SQLite 3. CAN rawdata from PC or xEV is received through the converter and passed to Unity C# scripts for dataextraction and database insertion. Finally, the IDs for data extraction are parsed from the Config file,and related data is extracted and inserted using bit operations for display in the Unity-based UI.
   18-6-32.pdf (1.2M) [7] DATE : 2024-01-03 08:28:32