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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Design and Implementation of Multiple Filter Distributed Deduplication System Applying Dynamic Cuckoo Filter
논문투고자 Yeong-A Kim, Hyun-Ju Kim, Chang-Geun Kim
논문내용 In the area of data management, deduplication plays an important role, especially in cloud storageenvironments, by eliminating redundant data and optimizing storage resources. With the rapiddevelopment of cloud computing technology, deduplication has been widely adopted in modern clouddata centers, which has led researchers to propose various deduplication methods to solve the problemof duplicate data in cloud storage. This paper focuses on the unique characteristics of big data andpresents a new approach of an efficient multi-tier distributed data deduplication processing systemutilizing dynamic Cuckoo filter technology. This technology provides an effective solution for handlingdeduplication tasks in a distributed environment, enabling efficient data reduction and resource utilization.In this paper, considering the characteristics of big data, we propose a multi-layer distributed datadeduplication process system using dynamic Cuckoo filter technique. It solves the deduplication problemin cloud storage environments by enabling more effective data management by utilizing dynamic Cuckoofilters in a multi-tier distributed data deduplication system. Individual storage nodes can improveperformance with deduplication efficiency and reduce processing time by applying dynamic Cuckoofilters. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the proposed method reduced the processingtime by 7.9% and increased the deduplication rate by 11.4% by the deduplication technique using theexisting Cuckoo filter.
   18-6-31.pdf (1.4M) [8] DATE : 2024-01-03 08:27:37