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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] The Effect of Depression on Runaway Experience of Youths: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Parent-Child Relations
논문투고자 Jee-Hee Yu, Jung-Bin Yang
논문내용 The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of depression on the runaway of youths, and todetermine whether parent-child relations played a moderating role in the link between depression andrunaway experience. To achieve these goals, the researchers conducted a comprehensive analysis of thedata collected from Survey on Users of Institutions for At-risk Youth, which was carried out by theMinistry of Gender Equality and Family in 2021. Then, hierarchical regression analysis of 510participants was used in the final statistical examination. The major findings of the study revealed asfollows. First, it was established that depression had a substantial influence on the likelihood of youthsrunning away. This suggests that the presence of depressive symptoms can contribute to an increasedrisk of runaway among this population. Second, the study demonstrated that the quality of parent-childrelations acted as a moderating factor in the association between depression and runaway. Based onthese outcomes, the researchers discussed specific ways to enhance the psychological health of high-riskrunaway youths, and to prevent their runaway behavior in advance through collaboration betweenfamilies and communities.
   18-6-27.pdf (617.3K) [6] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:56:01