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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] The Influence of Perceived AI on Career Management and Innovation Behavior
논문투고자 Jie Ren, Eon-Joo Park
논문내용 In recent years, artificial intelligence has gradually played an important role in company management,and employees' acceptance of AI is also affecting their career development. This study aims to examinethe impact of perceived AI on career management and innovative behavior, and to analyze themechanism through which perceived AI affects innovative behavior through career management. Toachieve this goal, this study conducted a survey of 249 employees in Chinese enterprises and usedSPSS 25.0 and AMOS 24.0 to analyze the collected data. Findings indicate that perceived AI arepositively related to career management and innovative behavior while perceived AI were found to havea positive impact on innovative behavior through career management. This study confirms that perceivedAI as a precursor to career management and innovative behavior, has a positive impact on theestablishment of career goals and the drive for innovation. Therefore, businesses and organizationsshould consider employees' perceptions of artificial intelligence, which is important for enhancing careermanagement and innovative behavior. It is necessary to gain a deeper understanding of how employees'roles in the field of artificial intelligence can contribute to the innovation and competitiveness of acompany. This study is expected to provide direction for human resource strategies related to employeevalue.
   18-6-26.pdf (820.3K) [3] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:55:10