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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Factors Affecting Addiction Risk of Internet, Game, Smartphone in Elderly : Using Community Health Survey Data of 2017
논문투고자 Jong-Hoon Moon, Hee-Su Park
논문내용 The aim of this study was to examine the factors affecting addiction risk of the internet, the game,the smartphone in elderly. The present study used raw data from the community health survey data of2017. Of the 228,381 elderly in the raw data, 40,219 people were selected among 67,835 elderlypersons aged 65 years or older, excluding the missing, non-response and outlier values. The dependentvariables were the Internet, the game and the smartphone addiction risk. The independent variables werethe sociodemographic characteristics, the mental health, and the health behavior in the independentvariables, and the self-rated health. The sociodemographic characteristics were the gender, the age, theeducational level, the family income, the marital status, the mental health consisted of depression, thesubjective stress, the suicidal ideation, and the health behavior was defined as walking, drinking, andsmoking. In results, Logistic regression analysis showed that the age, the education level, the subjectivestress and the suicidal ideation of the elderly were highly correlated with addiction risk of the internet,the game and the smartphone. In conclusion, the results of this study can be used as a basis for themental health-related health care service approach for elderly people to prevent the internet and thesmartphone addiction.
   18-6-25.pdf (633.2K) [2] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:53:52