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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] The Comparative Study on Parents’ Perception of Distance Education by School Level and Regional Size
논문투고자 Shin-Chun Kang, Hyun-Yong Jung
논문내용 This study investigates the distance education awareness, status, and capabilities of parents of elementaryand middle school students within the Chungcheongnamdo Office of Education, the reality and needs ofdistance education to prepare for the era of digital transformation, and the interactions, relationships, andimportance of distance education factors according to the regional scale. The purpose of the survey is tofind ways to promote distance education for parents for their children. For this study, a total of 833people, including 521 parents of elementary school students and 308 parents of middle school studentswithin the Chungcheongnamdo Office of Education, participated in the survey. First, as a result of factoranalysis, four main factors and two sub-factors were derived from the main results of the study. Second,as a result of a two-way analysis of variance on the distance education perceptions of parents ofelementary and middle school students according to the regional size of the results of the factor analysis,there were significant differences in distance education status and capabilities at the school level and inthe perception of distance education at the regional scale. It was found that there was no interactionbetween school levels. Third, as a result of correlation analysis of the four factors related to distanceeducation awareness, a positive correlation was found between the four factors and each sub-area. Fourth,the factors affecting the distance education capabilities of parents of elementary and middle schoolstudents in urban and rural areas were in the following order: ‘Current status and needs of distanceeducation to prepare for the era of digital transformation’ > ‘Current status of distance education.’ Theconclusion drawn from the above research results is that, first, it is necessary to study blended classesconsidering the school level, second, parent education, third, establishment of a counseling center at theOffice of Education or national level, and fourth, activation of parent networks.
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