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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Design of Intelligent Container Loading System Using 3-D Weight Map
논문투고자 Hong-Jun Choi, In-Sik Hong
논문내용 As we enter the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, international trade and the quantity of goodstransported between nations are on a significant upward trend. Among the existing transportationmethods, mass maritime shipping utilizing containers, the most efficient means, is experiencing the mostgrowth. Consequently, maritime transportation accidents are also on the rise. Cargo falling incidents, themost frequent type of maritime accidents, occur due to improper weight declarations for containers,resulting from overloading, imbalanced loading, and other factors. In this thesis, we propose anIntelligent Container Loading System using 3-D Weight Map, which employs load cells to monitorreal-time cargo weight and weight distribution. This system not only displays cargo weight and weightdistribution to the user but also implements an optimal loading and stability solution for the vessel.Presently, container loading and stowage on ships are conducted through simulations using software.However, in the case of improperly declared containers, it need to physically remove all cargo from thecontainer for re-weighing incurs significant time and cost expenses. Moreover, simulations rely on weightdata from documents rather than real-time weight data. The proposed approach in this thesis involvesattaching weight sensors to the bottom of each container, allowing for the monitoring of weightdistribution and real-time weight. This information is stored in a server database through an embeddedsystem, and a rule-based system generates weight bias codes through a rule-based engine. As containersare stowed on the vessel, the weight bias codes assigned to each container are systematized into amatrix and undergo a compaction process to achieve weight distribution uniformity, resulting in a 3-DWeight Map. The embedded system is built using Python on Arduino-Mega and communication isfacilitated through serial communication to demonstrate its practicality and efficiency. Additionally, wehave developed a prototype of this system to demonstrate its practicality and efficiency.
   18-6-23.pdf (1.2M) [3] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:51:18