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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Risk of Sociodemographic Characteristics, Chronic Diseases, Depression, Suicidal Ideation in Family Caregivers of People with Dementia : Can Physical Activity Reduce Suicidal Ideation?
논문투고자 Jong-Hoon Moon, Hee-Su Park
논문내용 The purpose of this study was to investigate the demographic characteristics, chronic diseases, depression,and suicidal ideation of family caregivers of people with dementia, and effect of physical activity on thesuicidal ideation. This investigation used raw data from the 2017 community health survey. Of the 228,381subjects in the raw data, 220,787 subjects were selected among adults for 19 years or older, excluding thevalues and no response, outlier values. First dependent variable was family caregivers of people withdementia, second dependent variable was suicidal ideation. independent variables were age, gender, educationlevel, family income in sociodemographic variables, and variables were hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia,arthritis, cataract in chronic diseases, and depression experience, suicidal ideation. Physical activity waswalking, flexibility exercise, and strength exercise. Statistical analysis was performed using logistic regressionanalysis. As the age increased, the likelihood of family members with dementia was higher(OR=1.032, 95%CI 1.028-1.036, p<.001), and male was more likely to be a family member of dementia thanfemale(OR=1.155, 95% CI, 1.057-1.262, p=.001). People with family income of 0.5-1 million won(OR=1.264,95% CI 1.046-1.527, p=.015) or 1-2 million won(OR=1.229, 95% CI 1.024-1.474, p=.027) were higherprobability of family members with dementia than 6 million won. People with suicidal ideationexperiences(OR=1.538, 95% CI 1.348-1.755, p<.001) and people with depression(OR=1.694, 95% CI1.466-1.958, p<.001) were more likely to have family members with dementia. In family members withdementia, persons did not walking exercise per week had a higher probability of suicidal ideation experiencethan persons for 5-7 days exercise per week(OR=1.778, 95% CI 1.299-2.432, p<.001). These findings suggestthat institutional approach and program development of rehabilitation and welfare for the care and promotionof psychological health of family caregivers of people with dementia are needed and regular walking exercisecan be effective method for prevention of suicide.
   18-6-21.pdf (647.9K) [2] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:48:50