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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] The Impact of Job Search Stress and Social Adaptation of Chinese College Students on Career Decision Making Self Efficacy
논문투고자 Ye Ping Liu, Eon-Joo Park
논문내용 Against the background of China's economic development, college students are increasingly emergingas important participants in the structure of social economy. Accordingly, the employment problem ofhigher education graduates becomes the focus of social attention. Therefore, the purpose of this study isto study the influence among college students' job stress, social adaptability and career decisionself-efficacy, and build a model to reveal the interaction between them. To this end, a survey wasconducted on 352 four-year college students in China in August 2023 to analyze their impact. Thecollected data were conducted path analysis using SPSS/MAC 27.0 and AMOS 26.0 software, and theresearch results are as follows. As college students' job stress increases, their social adaptabilityincreases, and their self-efficacy in career decisions tends to improve relatively. Therefore, collegestudents reflect on and change their perception of career decision self-efficacy after feeling the stress ofsocial environment, and in turn improve their ability of adaptation in social environment. These resultshighlight the importance of employment guidance in higher education, especially in improving students'sense of strategy and career decision self-efficacy in coping with employment stress. These findingsprovide a new perspective for university employment guidance, and at the same time provide sometheoretical and practice implications for future research.
   18-6-20.pdf (724.7K) [7] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:47:42