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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Design of Wireless Communication System Using Sub-Harmonic Mixer
논문투고자 Won-Hui Lee
논문내용 As the existing mobile communication network market develops from 4G to 5G, current technologytrends require high-speed data transmission. Broadband communication systems that transmit data ingigabit units are expected to continue to develop in the future. In this paper, a sub-harmonic passivemixer was implemented using a schottky diode. In addition, the design feasibility of the sub-harmonicmixer was proven by applying it to a wireless communication system. Gigabit wireless communicationsystems require frequency conversion of signals from 30 GHz to 300 GHz band with a low IF band.Because it is not easy to amplify an oscillator with a high LO signal of 100 GHz or higher, researchis being actively conducted on sub-harmonic mixers that enable frequency conversion to half thatfrequency. By applying a 220 GHz band RF signal and a 100 GHz LO signal, the characteristics ofthis mixer were simulated in terms of conversion gain, isolation, impedance, and noise figure (NF), andthe results were analyzed. The designed sub-harmonic mixer has an input frequency from 220 to 335GHz, a conversion gain of -7.8 dB to -8.3 dB at the power of the local oscillator signal of 7 dBm,and an SSB (Single Side Band) noise figure of 6.278 dB. The results of the designed sub-harmonicmixer were applied to an EHF (Extremely High Frequency) wireless communication system simulationand it was confirmed that the system operates well.
   18-6-17.pdf (857.6K) [3] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:44:51