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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] A Study on the Digital Platform Library Model Based on Intelligent Information Technology
논문투고자 Gi Young Kim
논문내용 Intelligent information technology, the core leading technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, isbeing applied and fused in a wide range of fields, bringing changes to economic, social and daily life.Digital transformation is accelerating throughout economic society due to the spread of intelligentinformation technology and the activation of a non-face-to-face economy in the post-COVID-19 era. Inline with these changes in the social environment, it is time for libraries to find countermeasuressuitable for changes in the new environment and establish strategies. In this study, the concept ofintelligent information technology, application of library services, strategies and plans of libraryspecialized institutions were analyzed, and a digital platform library model of an innovative library wasdesigned. For the first stage of organizational and cultural transformation, innovation in the curriculum isrequired through curriculum development and system improvement to foster professional manpower andstrengthen capabilities. In order to respond to the second stage of technological transformation, it isnecessary to strengthen the national policy support and cooperation system with specialized institutions.In order to build a three-stage digital platform library, institutional standards and practical processes forinformation resource management are needed. This digital platform library model is expected to increasecompetitiveness in future library services by establishing library response strategies and processes in linewith changes in the information environment caused by the development of intelligent informationtechnology.
   18-6-11.pdf (763.6K) [3] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:24:40