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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] The Opportunities and Challenges of Cloud Computing in Healthcare Industries
논문투고자 Uk-Hyun Lee
논문내용 The latest trendy new approach to successfully delivering IT services is through cloud computing.Medicine is becoming an increasingly data-intensive field, which generates large amounts of data thatmust be stored and later accessed. This has led to a growing need for dynamic and scalable resources.The main body of this research shows that cloud technologies that fulfill these requirements canimprove service quality in healthcare. Cloud computing, like any other technological advancement, mustbe thoroughly evaluated before it is widely used. Many researchers and clinicians are interested in theavailability of large-scale, rapidly available, reconfigurable resources such as virtual systems, platforms,and applications at minimal service costs. This study thoroughly analyzes the academic literature oncloud computing in healthcare. It proposes a classification methodology into five categories: cloud-basedgreen healthcare in healthcare, cloud-based framework development, virtual machine deployment inhealthcare, cloud-based healthcare security, and broker development in healthcare. The authors reviewed227 papers and narrowed them down to 40. The modern concept of "service" emphasizes creativeapproaches to delivering value to customers. Future research should include a broader view of IT servicedelivery with service value components such as scalability, reliability, and security and should investigatethe benefits and challenges of data sharing as well as the regulatory compliance of CSPs providingthese services. The integration of cloud computing for decision support in the healthcare industry holdsgreat potential for academics and practitioners, as cloud-based systems can provide access to themultidimensional data needed for decision making.
   18-6-04.pdf (749.0K) [1] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:10:09