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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.5] A Study of the Effectiveness of a Dental Hygienist Mediated Smoking Cessation Program in a Transtheoretical Model
논문투고자 Jeong-Min Seong, Young-Suk Choi
논문내용 This study examined the effectiveness of a smoking cessation program mediated by dental hygienists as oral health educators using a transtheoretical model. Data were collected from March 2021 to August 2022, and the experimental group received five sessions of smoking cessation programs by dental hygienists. Both the control and experimental groups received general dental smoking cessation treatment from a dentist, and the experimental group received additional dental smoking cessation education of less than 10 minutes from a dental hygienist. The experimental group increased after the program self-efficacy compared before the program (p<0.001). The pros of smoking of the experimental group was lower after the program than before the program (p<0.05). In the transtheoretical model, the experimental group participating in the dental hygienist mediated smoking cessation program had higher cognitive and behavioral stages of smoking related change than the control group before the program (p<0.001). After the smoking cessation program, the experimental group showed higher levels of preparation and behavioral stages, which affected the change stage (p<0.05). A smoking cessation program with a trnastheoretical model involving dental hygienists was effective on self-efficacy, decision-making balance, process of change, and stages of change. It is believed that smoking cessation education provided by dental hygienists, combined with smoking cessation treatment in dental clinics, can have a signigicant impact on increasing smoking cessation rates.
   18-5-13.pdf (523.7K) [3] DATE : 2023-11-01 10:34:25