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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.5] About the Producing Soybean and Utilization Plan
논문투고자 Kwang-Hyun Kim, Seung-Bihn Cha
논문내용 In this paper introduce about the soy bean and world output of soy been where and how to the soy bean be produced in producing the soy bean countries. The most produce soy bean country which is the Brazil and the most import soy bean country is the China. In the Korea soy bean is also very important for making the tofu, soy source and soy bean paste etc. Korea land is too small to cultivate soy bean in quantities, so Korea depend on importing the soy bean from cultivating soy bean countries. To slove this problem that rely on importing soy bean, Korea prepare self-sufficient soy bean in land policy. This policy we can know at last paragraph.  Soy bean is the one of the important to the future practical use in Bio-energy of raw material and safe the earth environment problem by reducing the produce of meat from raise the livestock. Instead produce meat developing the Plant-based meat substitute is the more Eco-friendly to the environment. We can see how to soy bean is effected from economical cause and environmental cause. The Korea has the problem about the domestic supply soy bean because of the be small in land but Korea can solve this matter to prepare a supply measure that establish the building for only cultivate the soy bean like a grain. This is the best for the small country to cultivate the grains.
   18-5-04.pdf (918.8K) [4] DATE : 2023-11-01 10:28:22