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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Analysis of Fuzzy System Reliability Based on Spherical Fuzzy Sets
논문투고자 Dong hyuk Kim, Sang Yeop Cho
논문내용 Since the fuzzy set proposed by Zadeh has been applied to evaluate the reliability of fuzzy systems,various fuzzy sets have been used to analyze the reliability of fuzzy systems. Expressing the reliabilityof the system as an accurate value is a difficult problem due to the ambiguity of the data. It ispossible to overcome these problems with fuzzy sets. Therefore, fuzzy sets provide a way toappropriately express the reliability of inaccurate data that occurs in the real world. In fuzzy sets,reliability is expressed as a real number, which is the degree of membership. In intuitionistic fuzzy sets,reliability is expressed as an interval using positive and negative membership degrees. In thePythagorean fuzzy sets, reliability is expressed by expressing the positive and negative membershipdegrees as squares, respectively. Therefore, it is possible to solve the problem where the sum of thepositive and negative membership degrees exceeds 1. In picture fuzzy sets, reliability is expressed basedon positive membership, neutral membership, and negative membership. Since the picture fuzzy set usesa neutral degree of membership, it becomes possible to express uncertainty that is neither positive nornegative. In the spherical fuzzy sets, reliability is expressed by expressing the positive membershipdegree, neutral membership degree, and negative membership degree as squares, respectively. Therefore,it is possible to solve the problem in which the sum of the positive membership degree, the neutralmembership degree, and the negative membership degree exceeds 1. And since the spherical fuzzy setcan express all the properties of conventional fuzzy sets, it can be used in various environments.Therefore, it becomes possible to express the reliability of fuzzy systems in various environments usingsphere fuzzy sets, thereby enabling more flexible reliability analysis.
   18-6-09.pdf (509.0K) [4] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:15:28