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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Does Job Stress of Domestic Workers Affect Organizational Commitment? Moderating Effect of Organizational Culture
논문투고자 Hae Wen Lim
논문내용 Developing strategies to manage worker stress and improve employee well-being and welfare is animportant factor that can directly affect the corporate image and profits, but can also contribute toimproving corporate management strategy and organizational culture. Accordingly, research related to jobstress is emerging as the fields of modern organizational psychology and management. This studyidentified the relationship between job stress and organizational commitment and verified howorganizational culture moderates this relationship. A survey was conducted on 317 adult workers livingin Korea, and the collected data was analyzed using SPSS 27.0 and Macro 4.1 programs. The specificanalysis procedure was as follows. First, to verify the validity and reliability of the scale, exploratoryfactor analysis was performed and the item internal fit coefficient was calculated. Second, descriptivestatistical analysis was conducted to review the general tendency of key variables and confirm normality.Third, Pearson correlation coefficient analysis was performed to determine the relationship between keyvariables. Finally, regression analysis was performed to verify the moderating effect. The research resultsconfirmed that job stress had a significant negative effect on organizational commitment. And it wasconfirmed that organizational culture (rational culture, consensus culture) moderated the relationshipbetween job stress and organizational commitment. We hope that this study will suggest ways toimprove the organization’s stress policy and organizational culture, and will be used as basic data fororganizational leaders and managers to improve organizational efficiency and employee satisfaction.
   18-6-06.pdf (624.6K) [2] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:12:07