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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Research on Motivation to Watch Short-Form and Correlations with Experiential Factors
논문투고자 Jae-Hyeon An
논문내용 Short-form videos have been attracting attention as the content of the future because they can bewatched on mobile without being restricted by time and place, and are popular among teenagers. As theconsumption of short-form content has increased dramatically, content platforms have also introducedshort-form services, making it a mainstream content enjoyed by all ages. Short-form content videos,which used to be more of an entertainment medium, are now being used in conjunction with commerceto drive product purchases. In order to develop effective short-forms to improve brand awareness andinduce repeat visits in an environment where anyone can easily create and consume videos, it isnecessary to analyze the correlation between experiential and perceptual factors of short-form users.Therefore, this study aims to investigate the experiential and perceptual characteristics of short formusers and analyze the impact of these characteristics on repeat visits. This study investigates the overallattitudes of short form users and analyzes the perceptual factors that affect the experiential factors tosuggest ways to revitalize short form. The results show that it is necessary to manage the usefulnessand convenience of the content to induce users to watch the original video of the short form video.Also, when we substitute the dependent variables of enjoyment and immersion, we can see that theyhave a positive effect in the order of playfulness, usability, and convenience. It can be seen thatplayfulness determines whether users can experience pleasure while using short form videos. However,focusing on playfulness alone can have a negative impact on content satisfaction and original videoviewing, so it is important to provide short forms that take usability into account. These findings havelimitations and are not generalizable, so we would like to reflect them in future research.
   18-6-03.pdf (733.4K) [3] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:09:11