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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] A Conceptual Design and Evaluation of Process Digital Twin Through Synchronization of FlexSim Models
논문투고자 Jeong-Su Kim, Jin-Oh Park, Jun-Woo Kim
논문내용 Digital twin is one of the integral components of advanced smart factory. However, digital twinapplications are typically difficult to design and develop, since digital twin is implemented throughintegration of various software and hardware components. In order to mitigate these burdens, this paperproposes a novel approach called synchronization of FlexSim models for conceptual design andevaluation of process digital twin. The proposed approach is based on the virtual digital twinenvironment, where digital twin model interacts with virtual physical twin model instead of realhardware equipments. The virtual digital twin environment can be conveniently established by utilizingsimulation models with appropriate structures and functions, which can be used as the virtual physicaltwin and digital twin models. Consequently, the proposed approach helps to reduce the time and cost ofdeveloping digital twin applications. FlexSim software is a commercial discrete event simulation toolsuitable for building the virtual physical twin and the digital twin models, since it provides rich 3Dvisualization, flexible logic builder and external data connectivity. In addition, the evaluation method fordigital twin model within the virtual digital twin environment is also discussed in this paper. Theproposed approach is applied to develop a simple prototype of a digital twin for a manufacturingfacility, and the experiment result demonstrate the usefulness of synchronization of FlexSim models indeveloping digital twin applications.
   18-6-01.pdf (811.2K) [1] DATE : 2024-01-02 16:05:55