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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.3] Identification of High Significance Product Items through the Analysis of Energy Consumption in Steel Factory
논문투고자 A.B.M.Salman Rahman, Myeongbae Lee, Vasanth Ragu, Jonghyun Lim, Yongyun Cho, Jangwoo Park, Changsun Shin
논문내용 Analysis and modeling of industrial energy are currently a time-insertion process because more and more energy is consumed for economic growth in an industrial factory. Industrial energy consumption analysis and prediction play a very important role in improving the energy utilization rate to make profitable things for industrial companies or factories. Industrial factory owners are also starting to realize the importance of energy analysis and predictions to make a plan for better energy utilization for their factories. So, this is the high time to work as a technological supportive hand with an industrial factory in order to improve their energy utilization for making some profitable things for industrial organizations and also for our society. It is not so easy process to analyses energy and realizes accurate predictions of industrial energy consumption. Therefore, this study deals with analysing total usages of 24-hours energy consumption for every month and also total usages of energy for the year 2017. We find out the difference between total usages of energy and demands of energy for the year 2017. We make relation curve between per-day usages of energy and different types of materials weight for different types of manufacturing product, and also make a relation curve between per-day usages of energy, demands of energy and total materials weight for manufacturing products for the year 2017. We use the correlation method to find out the relationship of usages of energy with different types of materials weight for manufacturing products. Finally, we find out the total usages of energy for manufacturing every product and make a decision about the energy utilization.
   14-3-07.pdf (1.2M) [10] DATE : 2019-07-07 10:10:23