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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.1] Proposal CPS Assessment Model Based on Medical Domain
논문투고자 Ju-Hyuck Han, Ki-Won Song
논문내용 In this study, we propose cloud assessment services based on the technical standards of Cyber Physical System (CPS), which implements the physical domain of recently evolving integrated technology systems as computing power. There are currently a lot of research and projects on CPS at home and abroad, which consist of a combination of systems and systems. With the current software quality test, software quality evaluation of complex systems such as CPS is difficult. Thus, a technology standard with greater reliability between systems will have to be utilized for the CPS-based software quality assessment than the existing technology standard. However, with the advent of CPS, many of the technical standards studied are difficult to adapt to existing software quality test frames. Therefore, this study was implemented to supplement these problems and increase the convenience and practicality of the quality assessment. It is also based on medical domains with high software requirements among Korean-style CPS domain services. In particular, three of the C5 models proposed by many studies were focused on the three conditions and organized in each phase of classifying and merging each standard. The future research plan will study CPS domains in other industry sectors not covered by this study and will interoperate various international standards by sector.
   14-1-11.pdf (450.0K) [42] DATE : 2019-03-08 16:32:25