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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.1] A Case Study of Online Project Based Learning in a MOOC for Vocational Education
논문투고자 Tami Im, Sun-Young Heo, Sang-Youn Kim
논문내용 The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of online project based learning on the learning outcomes of a MOOC in vocational education setting. A six- weeks of “Python Programing learning by step by step Projects” e-learning course was designed as an online project based learning course. This course consisted of three projects supported by additional resources for practices, immediate feedback, and live seminars. The main activity of this course was conducting individual projects supported by individualized feedback from the instructor. The participants of this study was 192 learners who registered this free course. The results show that the completion rate of this course as 33.9% which was very higher comparing to other normal “Python Programing” courses’ completion rate as 19% and the average K-MOOC completion rate in 2016 as 11.4%. Satisfaction score was 4.3/5.0 which was higher than normal “Python Programing” courses’ satisfaction score as 4.12/5.0. Results of this study suggest that online project based learning could be a promising learning model for MOOC in vocational education to facilitate learners’ motivation, completion rate, and satisfaction.
   14-1-09.pdf (1.5M) [27] DATE : 2019-03-08 16:31:14