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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.1] A Study on Efficiency of the Experience Oriented Self-directed Learning in the VR Vocational Training Contents
논문투고자 Jungmin Shin, Dong-Soo Choi, Sang-Youn Kim, Kyoungbog Jin
논문내용 The field of technical vocational training requires operation of the training equipment which result in high cost and higher risk. This study examined virtual reality training contents that can replace the shortcoming of the current vocational training environment and analyzed the user’s evaluation. Virtual reality vocational training contents which has no high cost and higher risk enables learners to improve their proficiency by repeating training in various educational situations. This is the potential of VR as a educational medium. VR, which is a key tool for constructing a virtual environment, stimulates a variety of senses, thereby inducing interaction with a specific content to be transmitted through the VR medium. This kind of immersion and interactivity enhances the actual experience in the learning situation, so that the learner realizes the self - directed learning which leads the learning through the environment and the information and the interaction which helps the learning by oneself. Therefore, it can be seen that virtual reality vocational training system provides experiential oriented self-directed learning experience to learners. In this study, we conducted a user evaluation based on the overall satisfaction and inconvenience of virtual reality lathe contents for vocational students and teachers working in lathe processing. And based on the analysis results, this study also examined the possibility of VR vocational training contents as a educational media for experience-based self-directed learning.
   14-1-08.pdf (733.1K) [30] DATE : 2019-03-08 16:30:35