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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.5] Analysis of the Impact of Job Stress on Employees' Turnover Intention, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance
논문투고자 Hae Wen Lim
논문내용 Uncertainty in the global economy, changes in work due to emergency situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and expansion of remote work are making the impact of job stress, turnover intention, job satisfaction, and job performance more important. Reflecting global trends, this study analyzed the impact of job stress on employees' turnover intention, job satisfaction, and job performance from various angles and investigated the interactions between them. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 276 workers over the age of 20. SPSS 26.0 and Amos 23.0 statistical packages were used for the collected data, and the analysis method was as follows. First, frequency analysis was conducted to determine the demographic characteristics of the sample. Second, exploratory factor analysis was conducted to verify the validity of the measurement tool. Third, normal distribution was examined by checking the skewness and kurtosis of key variables, and correlations between key variables were derived. Fourth, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to derive the factor loadings, mean variance extraction, and concept reliability of the measurement model. Fifth, the direct effect of the research model was confirmed using structural equation modeling, and the maximum likelihood method was applied as a parameter estimation method. According to the main results of this study, job stress was found to have a positive(+) effect on turnover intention and a negative(-) effect on job satisfaction. Specifically, it was confirmed that the higher the job stress, the higher the turnover intention and the lower the job satisfaction, and the magnitude of influence was higher for job satisfaction than for turnover intention. On the other hand, the correlation between job stress and job performance was found to be not significant. We hoped that this study will be helpful in providing useful information to organizational leaders and managers to manage job stress and strengthen organizational stability.
   18-5-26.pdf (585.2K) [8] DATE : 2023-11-01 10:43:38